The James A Silver list of the boats they built and the photos of Chance as she was when we started to strip her back to the bare hull 4 years ago.

The highlighted parts are of the two Western Isles that were build by James A Silver. 
One was called Jetta and the other was Chance. The only different between the two vessels was that ~Jetta was 48 feet 6 inches long and was built in 1939. 

The second list shows Chance and was listed as 37feet 6 inches long.
However, when we have measured her Chance is 40 feet long. So there is a difference in who measured her then and complied the register. 

Both Jetta nd Chance have had changes in Name before being called their original names again during their life times.

These are photos from the outside of Chance/Token when she was under going a restoration in the past.

These are photos of how Chance was before we started to strip her back to a bare hull so that we could get to her hull planking and the frames and ribs so that we could assess the work we needed to do to rebuild her structure.



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