A big shout out for a cover to put over Chance so we can get on with the restoration of Chance.

 At the moment we are in this position with Chance, We have a large poly sheet over Chance which keeps getting blown off as we can not fix it down very well and is a thankless task having to keep pulling over the boat until the next major gale of strong wind decides to remove the cover again. 

That's the position at the moment, what we are looking for is a shed/workshop like the one over Helen Wycherley Heritage Restoration project in Whitby North Yorkshire. This type of shed/ workshop would do our restoration project a world of good and make possible for us to get on with our restoration of Chance.   

So if anyone out there can put us in contact with anyone who wishes to move on their poly tunnel shed/ workshop, please get in contact with us through our social media channels. This would help our restoration project get underway again. Te cost of building a new shed is way out of our price range and without some help it is looking in a grave way as to how to move forward with our restoration of Chance.

Help us if you can we do not wish to give up of Chance, we wish to give her a second Chance.


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