Working on the wheelhouse roof hatch and seeing how we have to go to restore the hatch

Inspecting the wheelhouse hatch, it is in need of a fair bit of work. The front panel needs repairing or replacing depending on how easily is going to be to make a good repair to the panel. 

The top as a bit of rot in this corner. As with other parts of the wheelhouse roof, it will need to be replaced as the rest of the wheelhouse which is going to be redesigned as it needs to by removable to refit the engines when it is time to put them back in place. Also it will be helpful toi put the fuel and water tank in while the roof is off.

The hatch has a handle on it, however, there was not a handle on the opposite  side of the wheelhouse roof which appears to be a bit of an oversight. However, the covering over the wheelhouse roof at present appears not to be the original and when the plywood is removed it may give us the answers we need to know about what as changed over the years. 

The inside of the hatch is different to the rest of the wheelhouse roof in that there is no sign of any tongue and groove paneling on the inside face which the rest of the wheelhouse roof as.



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