The starboard galley front reconstructed and now time to get on with the port hand side galley unit.

The starboard hand side galley unit now reconstructed again with the rotten corner repaired to match the rest of the galley front.

The top left hand corner now repaired and the bracing on the back now glued in position it is time to look at giving the whole of the galley front a quick sanding and make up some wooden plugs to go in the screw holes so as to hide the fixings once more.

Now that the galley front is together again in one piece it is going to be easier to router out the area where the two holes are in the right hand side which were where a pair of modern taps were fitted and which are not in keeping with the return to how the galley was originally made or used.

I now have to get the gallet doors from the pile of doors and refix them in place and then in time varnish the whole of the galley front.



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