Piecing together the portside galley unit and the hanging locker front at the bottom of the companionway steps into the main cabin

These are the surviving parts apart from the door which is on the shelf in the workshop.

The parts need a bit of work to get them back together. The work involves fixing the places where each of the parts fix together. They were taken apart without out much care. which is a pain. however, there a few places where the edges in places needs the small areas of rotten wood replacing before it is put back together again. 

This is the hanging locker front at the bottom of the companionway steps into the main cabin. We will  have to make a few new parts, as a few of them are broken and have pieces missing.
The missing part is the top rail in this photo just to the right of the sash clamp, the other part that needs replacing is the rail which is taped together with a bit of blue masking tape. 

The main parts of this hanging locker front are made from large pieces of mahogany and are mortise and tenon jointed together 

The whole of this hanging locker front is made up of a number of mortise and tenon joints. The door itself is the shape it is to clear the steps leading down into the main cabin and the triangle shaped piece beside the door is mortised into the vertical rail.

In this photo it is clearly seen that there are a number of mortise and tenon joints that make up the lower part of the side rails which will have to be made again in order to rebuild this part of the hanging locker front. So there is going to be a far amount of time spend on the mortise cutter cutting new mortises. 



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