Starting to piece together first of the cabinetry, starting with the Galley front where the sink was originally fitted.
Having remove the varnish off the face side of the galley front where the sink was originally fitted. It is time to sort out fitting the four parts together so that they can be fitted back in the galley area in one part and not four parts.
There is going to be a bit of re-working of some parts such as the top corner where it is a bit rotten. The top rail will be removed and a new rail fitted and the mahogany on the face will have a piece fitted to replace the rotten top corner, apart from this small piece the rest of the galley front is in good condition and will only need a good painting on the back face and the front will need several coats of varnish.
Another bit of re-working will be these two holes which will have to have grading pieces fitted to get rid of these holes and a pump fitted in keeping with the time of the boat was build in 1948.
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