Next Job at the stern of Chance is going to be to remove the Rudder on Chance

 Now having removed a number of planks on either side of the hog as found that the inner hog is in need of replacing. This means that we will have to remove the rudder tube. This means having to remove all the frame work from the transom to expose the rudder tube.

The rudder tube in this photo is sitting on two shaped wedges on top of the hog. 

Also all this aft deck planking is going to have to be removed as well. no easy job as it was laid down with galvanized screws which have been in place for almost 80 years and will very likely not come out without a lot of damage to the teak decking, so it is likely we will cut off the screws between the deck and the deck beams. This is not a problem as the deck beams have to be replaced anyway because at one end they are not fixed and at sometime in the past were cut short.

So now the fun will start dismantling the aft end of the boat more to get the hog repaired and the whole of this area rebuild as strong as when it was first build. 


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