Getting to grips with the floorboards, floor bearers, steps and drawers from the interior of Chance.

Sorting out the workshop shelves into different parts of the interior of Chance, this shelf as all the  doors and butterfly hatch lids and a few of the smaller galley locker doors on this shelf

This shelf has the main part of the cabinetry parts and the cockpit lifting roof  hatch which needs dismantling and rebuilding there are also a number of small items which were taken out which need replacing with new bits such as work tops for the galley and the main cabin starboard side cabinet which was cut about by one of the previous owners to fit a diesel cooker in the main cabin which will now be fitted in the galley where it should have been all along.   

The bottoms of the main cabin floorboards given their first coat of grey bilge paint to seal the undersides of these floorboards to stop any more bilge water and oily water and dirt soaking into them once they are put back in the boat.

The drawers in a poor condition having been in the boat when the interior had water in the cabins and the drawers got wet and were not removed from the water and so they got damp and fungi grew because the they were not removed from the water and let air get to them.

All the drawers that were fitted low down in the boat are in the same condition. The drawers that were fitted higher up in the boat faired better and are okay. 

The three sets of steps needs and dusting off and wood staining and varnishing to being back their rich mahogany colour once more and they can go back in once the cockpit floor bearers are remade and the cockpit floor relaid in position.

The forecabin floorboard which need a good sanding and a couple of minor repairs and the floor bearers refixing in position and they can go back in place.

These  engine bay floorboards are not able to go back in because they are soaked with engine oil and diesel and can not be painted. so there will have to be a new set of floorboards made to go in the engine bay between the centre pair of engine bearers.



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