A year to remember and also forget.

 This past year as been one of many turns and changes along the way. We had plans to get the restoration of Chance underway in a major way. however this was not to be the case. As the following paragraph will show you.

Having moved Chance from Woodplumpton in the previous November to Walton on the Naze in Essex, we set about making plans to start doing the restoration in the spring of this year.  However, this was derailed by the passing of my wife's mother after a long illness, this event happened and so the project was put on hold for most of the year apart from doing the odd bit here and there either on Chance or in the workshop doing small jobs while we rebuild our lives once more, 

So has the months when on during 2023 without the heart to move the project along the project ground to a slow halt and in the end it stop with a cover being put over the boat and all work stopped on the boat itself. 

So we both when about our daily working lives while we came to terms with the passing of my wife's mother. Now that this year is coming to to an end and the Christmas break as given us both a chance to recharge our minds and bodies, so that we can make a fresh start in the spring on the outside of the boat and get the major structural work done to the starboard side and the transom.

In the meantime, we can get on with work on the inside of Chance starting in the forecabin and start to rebuild the cabin and put some of the parts of the boat back in place as they were originally made to be. However, first there as to be a fair amount of parts put in the boat such as floorboards from the aft end of the boat to the front so that we can walk through the boat without a major problem of tripping over parts of the boat structure.   

We also have to think of putting in parts that need to go in below the floorboards and inside cupboards  and lockers. We do have to replace a number of ribs and beam shelf so that these jobs can be done. So we will have to plan the work carefully so as not to do the jobs twice, 

So after this christmas break is over, it will be back to planning our next moves on working on Chance in the coming months. 

We both hope that 2024 will be a better years and we can make a good start into the new year and get the project back on track.


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