Chance Autumn update

As many of you will have seen from the lack of updates there as been little work done on Chance over the summer. This as been due a lack of time and more over a lack of funds to do major task done on Chance. especially the removal of the middle and aft section of the starboard beam shelf and reconstructing the transom and its framework which holds it in position.  

However, all is not doom and gloom, has I have been able to take on an apprentice to help me during the working week on my clients boats and leave myself and wife time to get on with working on Chances repairs. 

So hopefully over the coming week's we should be able to make a start on getting the beam shelf removed and replaced with a new correctly fitted beam shelf which will bring the hull back into position  along with the ribs and frames which have to be replaced at the same time to get the hull back into its correct position once more. 

There is going to be a lot of shoring up of the starboard side until it is seen that the hull is back into the correct position and a lot of head aches along the way as well.

So hopefully now we should see some much needed progress on the project.


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