Another week, another round of varnishing parts of the cockpit furniture

As the weeks go on, it is a week of varnishing the parts of the cockpit furniture, some with the first coats of full strength varnish as in the case of the chart table locker and drawer fronts

The bottom locker door 

Then the chart table top now all getting their first full strength varnish coats.

This is the port side cockpit seat side bulkhead panel, it is amazing to see this is a single piece of mahogany and not made up of several panels glued together. 

The two side panel which go either side of the aft companionway steps down into the aft companionway to the aft stateroom 

The base of one of cockpit lockers, it is either the portside seat locker base or the base of the bottom locker of the chart table locker.



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