Now the dust as settled from the past two years, We can move forward once more.

Over past couple of years, life as been to say been very stressful with a lot going on in the family's personal life which impacted on our restoration project, which at time caused major changes in being able to go to Woodplumpton when Chance was there for the first 18 month's or so of the restoration project. 

Covid did not help the situation, as we had to work round the travel restrictions, which caused a lot of problems with my own boat building business cutting back on working hours and the ability to get more jobs coming in to keep my business from closing down for good. 

Some how we survived and were able to open up again for more work to come through the workshop and to get the business off its knees and working again. 

So, after the period of the Covid pandemic was over, we were starting to rebuild our lives however, this was not going to last for long before another difficult period was going to begin, my wife Tricia mother became unwell after Covid pandemic was over.  

This period of uncertainty about Tricia mother's health made it impossible to make any meaningful plans to work on Chance for any length of time and so a lot of jobs that were planned to be done were either delayed or shelved until Chance was brought down to Essex. 

Tricia's mother passed away at the end of April this year. We will all miss her support for our project, However, Tricia's mother was always a woman who saw a problem as just another hurdle to overcome. So whatever, the problem it was not going to be insurmountable and just needed a clear head and at times looking outside the box for a way to get through the situation. 

So now that the dust as settled on the past few years of hurdles and delays we all hope to see a clearer path ahead and so we can get on with the project a fresh and get some meaningful work underway again. 


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