Passing of a family member and supporter of our restoration of Chance

 Tricia's mother passed away at the beginning of May and left a great hole in all our lives and so as a mark of respect all work was put on hold with Chance as the family come to terms with the passing of such a strong lady both in body and spirit.

Ann was a lady who would never let a problem or hurdle get in her way, this "never say die" spirit as in many ways help her daughter Tricia live her own life and this "never give up" spirit as help her throughout her own personal and professorial life.
This same tenacious spirit Tricia and I are using with the restoration of Chance. Tricia has looked at a hurdle or a problem and asked many a time is there a better or different way of doing a job on Chance or any of the boat's we have restored over the years.
Many times with Tricia's non-boat building head, Tricia has seen the any hurdle from a different viewpoint and as seen a clearer way of going about the same job from a different angle. Then we would both sit down and discuss the job, sometimes Simon being a boat builder and being to close to a job, sometimes can not see that there is a different way of doing the job he as done for many years. That this point Tricia as to show him that there is sometimes a better way.
With this in mind we will be restarting Chance's restoration in the near future with renewed spirit in our hearts.
Over past year or so because of the care Tricia mother as needed, Tricia's mind as not been on the restoration as can be seen from her lack of input on the blogs and videos. Which totally understandable give her mother health over the past few years. However, Tricia hopes to get more involved in the restoration of Chance from now on.
It is going to take some time for the restoration to get back on its feet, given time and patience we will get there with the help of friends and other family members and volunteers helping us get Chance afloat once more.


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