Working on the Cabin and wheelhouse/ cockpit steps while not being able to work outside on Chance

This link show what Simon has been doing while the weather has wet and he as been unable to work outside on Chance.

This Easter weekend Simon was not able to get on with all the jobs he had planned to do on Chance herself, So when the weather turned wet and windy he decided to go to his workshop and get on with a few of the jobs he could get on with while the weather was so he could not work outside on Chance. Simon continued to clean off the old varnish off the three sets of steps that Chance has for people to move around the inside of Chance and out on to her decks. In the video the short set of steps are the steps to gain access to the deck from the wheelhouse. this set of steps were to be placed in front of the starboard sliding door out on to the side deck. Although, over the years somebody had made an extra set of steps for the port side behind the steering position they were not original and will not be going back in as although there is a sliding doorway here there is no lift section of the wheelhouse roof. As there wheelhouse roof is original there is no reason to think there was any set of steps for the port side. The second set of steps which are a lot higher than the set of steps to let people access the deck from the cockpit they are the steps to go down into the main cabin from the cockpit. these set of steps have got some oil damage to the lower 6 or so inches of the uprights which will have to be dealt with before any varnish can be re-applied to the steps. Finally, the third set of steps are the set of steps to go down towards the aft cabin, which in the day of the original owners of Chance was their state room. Which is the part of the boats' interior which has been messed about with the most over the years and which is going to take the most to put back the way it was originally build back in 1948. The main problem we have is that without a set of plans for the boats' interior we are taking measurements and ideas from what is left to gauge what the aft stateroom should look like and hope we get it correct. These third set of steps is also one of the ways to access the engine bay as well as lifting the floorboards in the wheelhouse and accessing the engines from above. So now that the sets of steps are cleaned up and ready for re-varnishing in is time if the weather is not able to let us work on Chance it is time to work on some of the other interior parts Simon has in his workshop and on his workshop shelves


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