Starting to rebuild the chart table and drawer unit from the cockpit of Chance.

The chart table and the drawer unit from Chance is in a bit of a rough condition and is in need of a bit of TLC and a few parts need replacing.

Most of the unit is in good condition, conceding it was open to the elements for quiet a long while.

It is a little bit out of shape, however, with a little bit of adjustment it will go back in shape and when the drawers are repaired they will go back into the unit.

The inside will need a bit of paint and sealing as it as had very little in the way of protection in some while.

The top is in need of TLC in the way of gluing the two part together before it is sanded down and re-varnishing 

The same with the large end panel which needs bracing from behind and the gap clamping up and gluing together and sanding down and re-varnishing.



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