Exposing a can of worms and much more, as Simon exposes a catalog of poorly done repairs in the past that have come to home to roost now

Simon having spent the day removing the teak planking on the starboard side deck as exposed a catalog of poorly done repairs of the past which have ended up with the starboard side being in the condition it is now.

The lodging knees that are there to connect the beam shelf to the deck beams were in position but not bolted to the beam shelf, just connected to the deck beam so the boat just lost its shape because nothing was holding the two parts together once the beam shelf was replaced at sometime in the past.

The beam shelf was made out of softwood and as rotted away in places and is just bolted to the hull frames and nothing else.

The inboard end of the short beams still fixed correctly where as the outboard end was cut off with the inboard side of the new beam shelf and just fixed with a couple of screws which have rusted away over time and so the beams are floating in fresh air.

One area where the short beam was missing completely 

The aft lodging knee as the forward lodging knee not fixed to the beam shelf just the deck beam at the end of the cabin.

At least it is all teak deck planking is now removed and the beam shelf is exposed so that the next stage can be got on with. that is to remove the ols beam shelf once the aft cabin is supported by props under the aft cabin deck beams, the props will be placed on top of the keel and wedged into position to keep the aft cabin supported while we replace the beam shelf and carlin and the deck beams both long and short beams.

It was easier to remove the whole section of deck planking, so it will be easier to sort out the beam shelf where it needs replacing going through this area without any deck beams or planking in the way

Simon is going to be making a lot of patterns over the next few weeks as he make new lodging knees  and short beams and a few longer beams for the aft deck and a new carlin for the aft cabin.



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