The original galley worktop get a good sanding down and inspection

This is the original galley worktop before it was sanded down to see the condition of the top and see if it could be used again.

After a good sanding down with course to fine sandpaper it came back up to a reasonable condition and it can be salvaged.

The trim around the edges will have to be removed and a trim which should be on the worktop will be made and re-fixed in position to be like it was when the galley top was originally fitted. 

There is a small area of rot along the back edge, however, with a bit of cutting and letting in it will okay to be refitted when the locker is rebuild that this worktop sits on.

A bit of screw sickness from the builders using steel screws to fix down the worktop.

This is a worktop that was removed from the galley area which covered the original worktop and was longer than the original worktop which was fitted a some stage in the past to make a longer worktop. The original worktop when be going back in and the galley area rebuild as it was originally build.



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