An overview of what we achieved in 2022 and what we hope to achieve in 2023.

Over the past year, we have achieved a great deal of work on Chance while  working with the restrictions of the Covid pandemic and working as a full time traditional boat builder work on my clients boats and their projects.  

Now it is time to take stock of what we have achieved in the way of dismantling Chances' interior and doing some of the smaller jobs on Chance, such as dismantle the Blakes sea toilet which is in need of a full restoration as it as not been restored for a long time. So many of the moving parts are either corroded (bolts and nuts holding the parts of the toilet together) or harden up due to not being used and lubricated and so the rubber parts will have to be replaced as part of the toilet restoration. Another smaller project is the diesel cooker restoration ( the fire brick will need refixing and cracks filling and the burner parts which have corroded from use and age will have to be ordered from Canada after Christmas.   

After the Christmas break and when the dust as settled after the New Year. Then it will be time to make a start on sorting out the Transom and starboard aft cabin beam shelf and deck repairs and the planking and rib replacements and the frames in the aft cabin that need renewing. 

While all this is going on we will try and sort out covering Chance over with some good covers to keep the worse of the weather and start to get Chance dried out and be able to work on her at anytime.

So it is time to chill out and have a peaceful Christmas and look forward to the New Year with recharged bodies and minds.


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