First job sort out the shape of the transom and the starboard side deck and beams shelf and short deck beams and carlin

The first job will be to sort out the transom and the starboard side deck which has been poorly repaired in the past and as caused a lot of damage to this part of the boats' hull and deck.

The first part of this job is to take out the parts of the repair which are holding the starboard side down in the position it is at the moment. Then carefully prop and shore up the starboard side until it returns to its original shape and then re-fix the planking to the new oak framework once this is made and shaped to be the correct shape.

The good part of this job is that although the port side framework is rotten there is enough of it remaining that patterns can be taken from it. Then make mirror images of the port side and fix in the starboard framework before renewing the port side parts. Once this is done and the transom framework is once more sound and the correct shape we can tackle the beam shelf and short deck beams along the starboard side deck and also the aft deck planking which needs removing to investigate the problems in this part of the boat.  



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