Butterfly hatch lids dismantled and then given their first sanding in years

Having removed these lids off the butterfly hatch bases at the weekend it was time to dismantle the lids so the extent of the damage if any was present in the lids 

The surface needed to be given a heavy sanding to get rid of the grey surface oxidation and the moss that had grown on the surface after years of neglect.  

Once the splines and putty was removed from around the glass it just needed a little pressure and light tapping with a leather hammer and the glass came out of the frames 

Then it was a matter of cleaning out the old putty from the frames to let the frames start to dry out after years of  neglect and lack of varnish and a lot of TLC that they need them to keep looking good 

The four lids now sanded down and ready to put on the selves in the workshop to dry out until they are ready to be restored along with the bases which are still on the deck of Chance. Once we have got the bases removed they will get the same treatment as the lids and then left to dry out until they are needed to be refitted later in the restoration project.



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