The trip to Woodplumpton that turn out to be anything but fun in the end

Over the past week my son Michael and myself have been at Woodplumpton finishing off loading the two box trailers with the last of the items from Chance. Now the trailers are loaded up to the gills with the last of the ballast weights from out of the bilges of Chance. The last of the furniture and old floorboards and other items from inside the cabins of Chance are now loaded all that is left to do is bring the trailers home to Walton on the Naze and empty the contents and label up the parts that are going to be used as patterns and what will be reused later on in the restoration project.

That bit of the time we spent up at Woodplumpton in the yard where Chance is presently and waiting to be moved at the end of the month to come down to Walton on the Naze to continue the restoration where Chance will be close to my workshop and my home.

This part of the operation when well enough apart from the weather was against us and it was showers and then rain for the time we were at the yard where Chance is presently stored.

So my son Michael and myself got the trailers loaded as best we could under difficult conditions, however, we did get the trailers loaded with as much ballast and other items from under Chance so there is not going to be much left to load when /Chance get put on to the transport. All that is left under Chance now is her Main and mizzen masts and that is all. The main and mizzen booms are on one of the trailer ready to come back to Walton on the Naze this coming week.

The first trailer load should have been coming down with us this weekend, but the new to us pickup died on us on the way to my brothers home in Leeds after the first days work. So the trailer is still at Woodplumpton and the pickup is on its way to the dealership to be repaired.

The pickup problem was the alternator packed up and killed the battery and it came to a stop. Thankfully it happened in the motorway service station, so my son and I could get something to eat and drink while we waited for the AA to arrive to take me to my brother's home overnight and then on down to my home in Essex.

So one failed trip, however, it saved paying for the fuel on the way home.

On a different note, once the trailers are back in Walton on the Naze and unloaded then some of the jobs can be started on while we wait for Chance to be transported back to Walton on the Naze.

One of the first dirty jobs is going to be cleaning the floorboards which are going to be reused and also to clean and repaint the ballast iron ballast that as come out of the bilges and is covered in all sorts of dirty and god know what else.

The ballast is going to be sandblasted and then given a few coats of epoxy tar and put to one side until it is refitted in the bilges of chance at the end of the restoration project.
In the meantime there are a lot of jobs small and large to get on with over the course of the next four years so we will busy doing these jobs and showing ho they are done.
So the next time we see Chance she should be arriving in Walton on the Naze to continue her restoration close to home.


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