One more week on Chance where she is now and four weeks time she should be coming home to Essex

Just one more weeks work up at Woodplumpton on Chance to get some new steamed oak ribs in her before she is loaded on to transport and moved down to Essex to her new home and then the restoration project can gain speed and the work to get her Hull and decks and superstructure water and weathertight can begin a pace .Chance It is a large project and no mistaking that, however,broken down into smaller parts it is not so daunting a task. That is how I look at Chances' restoration. Get the Hull Deck and Superstructure water and weather tight. Which is the largest task ahead in the short term. then tackle each cabin one stage at a time until we can get her afloat once more.. It is going to take 4 to 6 years, Not the flexible 2 years that Leo Sampson keeps saying it is going to take him to get Tally Hoo done. The big difference between us is that he is starting from knowing a small amount of what takes to restore a vessel of Tally Hoo's size and his miscalculation on the time it is going to take given his inexperience and me who has been doing this work for over 45 years and knows many of the pitfalls he has had over the time he as been restoring or should I say rebuilding off plan.

So far my project is self funded out of my own pocket and a couple of patrons thorough their small donations and my family are helping me with the dismantling of Chance.
Also Chance is at one end of the country to me. A round trip of 620 miles each time I go to work on Chance, so we have to make every trip count with getting as much done as possible in each trip.We do not mind doing the miles and staying in a caravan on site to get the work done , as we as a family believe Chance deserves a second Chance to get back on the seas and be sailing them once more.
However,the travelling will soon come to an end as I am now in a position to move Chance very close to my home base and very close to my own workshop in Essex. At which point I will and my family be able to work on her more.

I am happy with our progress so far however, there should be more speed now that Chance will be getting moved in the near future.
So counting down the days before Chance is home with us in Essex.


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