An away day in Whitby while on our final break before Chance comes home to Essex.
We are as a family have just had a great day in Whitby, re-visiting many of the places that Simon visited as a young child with his parents and brother and sister when he lived in Yorkshire before moving south and eventually living in Essex with his wife Tricia and son Michael.
Captain Cook a son of Whitby was one of Simon's hero's who sailed to many far off places around the globe. One thing that Simon did do was to make a life as a sailor and in his own way sailed to many a place himself, may not have sailed to as many far off places as Captain Cook. However Simon did have a number of adventures over the years and with the help of his wife Tricia and son Michael hopes to to have many more with his own family.
This photo is of Captain Cook looking over the Whitby harbour where he learn to sail and where he left to go to the far reach's of the world on his voyages of discovery.
The plinth this statue stands on is set upon as compass rose with pointers, pointing to the North, South East and West to show that he sailed to the four areas of the globe and exploring the world, gaining knowledge of the world around him.
Although in the past Whitby was known for is the whaling trade, This as long since disappeared. Whitby is more well known now for its Fishing fleet and its world renown Whitby Scampi. It still as a ship repair and boat building yard as well as a good tourist trade in the summer and other events during other times of the year. So there is plenty to do whatever time of year you visit.

As a child Simon along with his brother and sister and his parents spent many a happy day visiting the local area and Simon and his wife Tricia and son Michael are doing the same now. Before they go back to Essex to wait for Chance to be transported down from Woodplumpton to Walton on the Naze so Simon and his Family can make a start of the major work needed to get Chance back afloat once more.
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