A year on since we started our restoration on Chance and now getting ready for the next stage, her moving home to Essex


This is Chance a year ago before I made a start on her full restoration

The forecabin during the early stages of the restoration 

Now with all the furniture removed and ready to get on with thew restoration of the cabin 

Two early photos of the starboard hand side of the main cabin before this was all removed to get to the hull planking and the ribs so that they can be repaired.

The whole of the main cabin removed and what was able to be removed in one piece is now in storage and other parts that were in not such good condition are being rebuild in the same method as when they were originally constructed in 1948

The galley area stripped down to the bare hull so that necessary repairs can be made to the bulkheads and planking and ribs before the galley is refitted back in place.

The engines that were no longer serviceable were removed and the whole area was cleaned and the fuel and water tanks were removed as well

The condition of the fuel and water tanks showed that they were beyond repair and needed to be replaced.

We removed the old bronze propeller shafts and then the "A" Brackets as well

The after cabin as we started to remove the athwartships bunk that had been put in the cabin a sometime in the past  

The aft cabin as it is now a bare shell and there are signs of how it was originally build.

Before and after with work on the transom, It was needed to have the skin removed to inspect the transom framework which is in need to renewing.

This is the work we have done over the past year so far with Chance at the other end of the country to where we live, however, soon this will change with Chance being moved south to where I live and work in Essex.


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