Working on the transom of Chance uncovering a large tin of worms


A photo of the port side aft and the sheerline is fairly straight and true as it would have been when Chance was build  

The starboard side appears to have drop a few inches lower than the port side in the same area.

The vast empty space, however at least we have reference points for the position of the original furniture  

A lot of work in this area of the boat over the coming months to get this part back into a good order

Now the ribs are out the hull will be able to be sorted up easier as the hull will not be held in the incorrect position as they were because the ribs were put in when the hull was out of shape

The two "A" brackets now off the bottom of the boat and be taken away to the workshop and cleaned and new cutless bearing can be fitted 

The rotten transom framework which be removed and the area patterned up and a new framework made up and fitted 

In a poor condition, however much of the original shape is still there to take patterns off and make new framework for the transom and hood ends of the planks to  fix to qhen it is refitted with new oak

The starboard side is in a really poor way and much of it is the wrong shape and will all have to come out and the correct shape parts put back in position and the shape of the transom returned to its original shape

Much of the port side behind the framework as been filled with sealant of all manner of types and some I have not since for more than 30 years 

This corner of the transom is a complete dogs dinner with so much misshapen parts that do not fit or should be there at all 

The cross beams of the transom framework do not even fit or are jointed into the uprights of the transom framework this is one of the reasons why the starboard side is out of shape because it is not connected to the rest of the framework

This as tried to be jointed but the joint failed to be made correctly and is not fitted to the upright

This bem is just screwed to the outer framework but in the wrong position and is not jointed as it should to the outer framework


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