Getting down and dirty with the seacocks and Baby Blake's toilet

As part of our restoration project when we are not at Chance is doing work at the workshop. 

One of the jobs is to restore the original Baby Blakes toilet back to working condition so it can go back in the aft heads compartment when that part of the boat is refitted back to its original specification 

Although the toilet is in a bit of a dirty condition, it will soon clean up and once again come clean and ready fro years of further use.  

This single large bore skin fitting is unlike any other skin fitting in the boat and appears to have been custom made for the boat. 

Some of the skin fitting were able to be removed with their original backing plate and are in good condition and will only need cleaning up and used again, other backing plate were in a poor condition due to corrosion. 
The two skin fittings in this photo are the aft heads toilet skin fittings and are in good condition. 

The aft heads compartment sink skin fitting 

This is the fore cabin sink out let skin fitting 

These are the two fore cabin toilet skin fittings 

At sometime in the past the fore cabin sink and toilet were removed and the skin fittings were locked closed and left in position. As part of the restoration the fore cabin toilet and sink will be refitted as they were originally fitted when Chance was commissioned and launched in 1948.

The original deck fillers for the fuel and water tanks which after they have been restored will be refitted to the restored teak deck of Chance. 



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