Next Trip to Woodplumpton, rebuilding the starboard quarter as the first stage in her restoration

 I have a busy time working on my day job looking after other peoples boats. Also trying to find a new to me works vehicle. A long hard look, however, finally got the right vehicle. Now I have to get the rib and planking materials together and then make my way up to Woodplumpton to start getting Chance set up correctly to refit the new ribs and then the first of the new planks after I have sorted out the twist and misshapenness in Chances' starboard aft quarter. Which if you look at the photos I have taken shows that the starboard has dropped and it shows that on the sheer line.

So one of the first jobs is to release the transom framework so that the hull can move and push the sheer line back into position, so that when we refit the ribs the hull will be back in the correct position. The major work is to remove the beam shelf which is not fixed to anything at the moment and the deck beams and knees are floating in fresh air and will have to be replaced. So major work ahead on my next trip to Woodplumpton in a few weeks time.


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