Getting boaty bits together for a boat jumble next Spring

Every year as a boat builder you collect old equipment you take off clients boat which for them is not the latest toy. There is often nothing wrong or faulty about equipment just that they wish to change it for some new that the chandlery salesperson  said will be better than the piece of equipment they have on their boat presently. 

This keeps me happy as new equipment means more work.  However, you can start to fill the workshop shelves with old equipment which needs a new home and new owners. So over the course of a year I collect a fair amount of equipment of which fills my shelves. 

So every spring in my local area of Essex there is a spring boat jumble where it is possible to sell the old equipment to new owners, that I have collected over the course of the pervious year. 

This next spring the old equipment I have collected will go towards adding funds to the Chance restoration fund. 

Also during the winter I will be making other boaty items which will be posted on my pateron page  So if you visit my pateron page over the coming weeks and months you will be able to view the new items I will be posting on the site.


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