Taking photos of the the deck fitting positions before the deck get removed and the positions will be lost

A view from the very forward end of the foredeck looking aft to show the position of the deck hatches and the cooker chimney which is getting removed as it is not to be in that position or in the boat at all. 

The crew cabin forehatch which as been nailed closed with steel nails 

The position of the foredeck large cleats and the hawse pipe hole for the windlass 

On the foredeck there are a number of holes which are for different items, such as the smaller secondary cleats and the position of the forward cross rail which was positioned just behind the windlass so it did not interfere with the jib when Chance was rigged as a sailing Ketch  

The covering board is notched to take the ends of the deck planking 

The forward end of the foredeck showing the missing top part of the stem which will need remaking as part of the restoration 

The position of tabernacle and the hole for the chimney for the solid fuel fire in the main cabin and the only ventilation in the main cabin apart from opening the skylight hatches   

The skylight hatch open to let air into the main cabin the one ahead of  this skylight is the one for the galley area 

The port side aft deck davit hole the deck on the starboard is missing and so is the fitting like the port side hole but no deck plate 

The port side aft side deck davit hole 

The forward port side davit hole used to fit the holding tank pump out deck fitting 



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