Finally back on my feet again, although not completely back to square one

 Finally back on my feet again, although not completely back to square one, they are a lot better and I can drive again. So back to work next week and get work done on the jobs that have been sidelined for the past 2 weeks. This means, although I can not go up ladders for a few weeks while I get the strengthen back in my ankle muscles. I can walk short distances and can do bench work while sitting on a chair to do some of the smaller tasks which need to be done on Chance's doors and other items which are in the workshop.

Once job which will take some time to sort out will be to set up my dovetail jig to make the new drawer frames for the drawers that are beyond repair as they are rotten in places where they were left in position and got wet and enclosed then let nature do the rest. The drawers from Chance are all rotten in one place or other apart from the drawer fronts which appear to have been spared from getting rotten. So at least the mahogany fronts will not have to be replaced. Which is a saving grace. Trying to find the same mahogany that the rest of the interior was made from would be a headache if not impossible to source now. As we have taken much of the interior out of Chance now apart from the transverse bulkheads which are still in position to keep the shape of the boat and also to define the cabins. The fuel and water tanks which we did not have time to remove last time we were at Chance. The rest of the interior is now clear.

Now the hard work begins with removing the broken ribs and replacing the rotten planks and making the hull strong once more to be able to move the boat on transport back to Essex.

So now there will have to be a work schedule drawn up to do the work in a logical order and use our time the most efficiently to cut down on wasted time and resources. So now down to the planning stage which while my ankle gets better I will do over the next couple of weeks with help from my family.


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