Doors, Doors Doors!!!!

First I had to dismantle the affected doors like this door and clean up the joints and then clean the joints with acetone and then use a modern glue to glue and fix the joint back together. 

Then clamp the joint together  with sash clamps until the glue cures off and the clean off the excess glue and with a quick rubbing down with some sandpaper , then start to varnish the door like the rest of the doors that have already been started to be varnished.

Some of the doors are having to undergo some more major work in that there are more than one part needing to be replaced, As in the case of this door in the photo below

This door is just in need of a single part of the frame of the door. Like the other doors I am dismantling the doors and cleaning the doors and then gluing them back together with modern glue and then varnishing the doors as they are being rebuild 

These are the doors from the galley unit which were the doors from the locker above the area where the cooker was originally fitted and above the worktop. These have had their first coat of thinned varnish and will be getting a lot more over the coming weeks.

The two halves of  hatch cover over the main cabin to cockpit door. In a previous blog you can see that the main cabin door is already undergoing its varnishing treatment. 

The main cabin door hatch covers and the galley doors getting more coats of varnish as we build up the layers of varnish.



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