Chances' doors getting sorted, some getting a sand down and others getting repaired and others getting a complete rebuild
The doors in the centre of this photo are the first of the small doors that have been repaired as necessary and then just been sanded down ready to get their first coat of thinned varnish
Some of the other small doors have not faired as well and will need some replacement parts made for them, it some cases more than one piece, others just need just one side of the door.
Other small doors just needed gluing back together as the old glue as given up and the small wedges in the tenons are not enough to hold them together any longer.
A small amount of cleaning up the joints and a small amount of modern glue and gentle cramping together and then a quick sanding down when the glue is cured and then they can be put with the other doors to be varnished
However, these pair of doors are not so good as they are either broken or rotten and in the case of these two doors they are both rotten and broken, so these two doors will have to be completely rebuild
This door is rotten in the centre of this photo
This door is rotten and as broken
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