Making a start on some of the smaller repairs needed to the doors from Chance

Having cut out the broken piece of wood from this door frame it is time to let in a piece of Mahogany that is a close match to the existing colour of the original mahogany.

This is the only damage on this door, so when it is planed down and sanded back and a little bit of stained varnish it will match the surrounding wood.  

A least this is a start with more small and larger repairs to come has we go through the large number doors we have to do that came out of Chance.

After the glue had cured over the weekend it was time to plane and sand the repair to the same level as the rest, the only thing to do now is stain the new piece to the same darker colour of the rest of the door frame.

After a coat of dark mahogany stain and a few coats of yacht marine varnish it will be okay.

One door repair down more to come over the next few weeks and months as we go through the pile of doors that need repairing or replacing.


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