Looking for missing parts for my restoration of Chance

When I was given Chance last year the previous owner had only just got the boat a few months before he gave Chance to me. The major problem was that the owner before him had many of the parts from the boat still in his possession and was unwilling to handover the parts he had taken off Chance to the owner who I was given Chance from.  So many of the parts are with the owner who gave Chance to before me.

So now I have to source a large number of parts to replace the missing items such as , portholes of various sizes, a complete set of stanchions, 2 x tabernacles mast fittings  , chainplates and many other items which I will list later after I have gone over Chance to see what items are missing. 

I am now at a stage in the restoration where I will just have to take a few more items out of the inside of the cockpit and then I will be making a start on the hull planking and the ribs. However, before I can tackle the ribs I will have to remove the deck edge covering boards to expose the tops of the ribs so the ribs can be pushed in from the deck down the keel and that way have new single ribs and not sistered or doubled ribs as has been the case in the aft cabin on the starboard side. 

So if anyone out there can help me with any original spec items from the period of  Chances build circa 1948 I will be grateful.

Thanks in advance 

Simon Papendick

Owner of Chance 


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