Badly injured ankle that is going to keep me off my feet for a few weeks.

 Last weekend while working on my other project boat in my yard I badly injured my left ankle which as put me off any heavy physical work, however, it will not stop me from getting some work done of other projects that do not me to stand to do them. 

Jobs like rubbing down the bits that were brought back from Chance over the past few months which are in my workshop.   

I had made a lot of plans for the next few months which now have to be amended. The main job that is going to have to be amended is the removal broken ribs and the rotten planks that are going have to be replaced before we can move Chance back to Essex to be near my workshop.

So I am going to have to get some help to do the job while I can not get in the boat to do the job myself. 

So if anyone knows of anyone who can help in the Preston area please DM me.

Thanks from Simon Tricia & Michael and my brother John


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