Having fun dismantling the main cabin of all its woodwork and frames
The settee back and its framework finally removed to expose the hull planking ribs and frames for inspection
The shelf above the settee back as also been removed as this was in a bad condition as well especially at the aft end where it was very rotten
The trucking in this photo is for the air take for the engine bay which for some reason unknown to me is blanked off at the top and the bottom end of it is missing the fan motor to pull air into the engine bay to keep the temperature down in the engine bay while the engines are running
One more broken rib and the last one in this area is still intact, however the top of the frame behind it is rotten at the top and will need replacing in the near future
The air intake trucking now removed and thew aft end of the settee bunk front just about to be removed to clear the area up for further inspection
The underside of the athwartship settee bunk front showing the fan housing for the engine intake fan.
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