A major step forward in the cleaning out of the boat and making plans for the next trip to the boat.

Now from the base of the stem to the aft bulkhead in the forecabin it is cleaned of the loose dirt and now needs a good washing down with degreaser and bio degradable soap to clean the last of the grease and dirty in the bilges and then give the bilges time to dry out for the first time in many years and then give the bilges it first fresh coat of bilge since the boat was built in 1948.

Then on to the galley bilge and the forward end of the main cabin bilge

Finally found the bottom of the bilge after removing all the dirt and mess out of the bilges 

Muck every where but no brass, just more muck as we made our way along te main cabin bilge until we got to the engine bay bulkhead

Working our way along the main cabin bilge, what did we find more ballast weights

The only problem we have to cut out more old bilge pump pipework from when the boat was built as the weights are under the bilge pump pipe 

now a great cavernous space is left so that we can work on the rib removal and refitting without any part of the boat in our way.  

So now the rubbish is in one skip bag 

the scrap metal in another pile 

The woodwork and frames in another pile so it can be used to make patterns from to rebuld the interior when the other work on the hull is completed.



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