Putting a positive viewpoint on a negative situation

Hi fellow blogger Members

One of the major problems having your boat in one part of the country and living in another part of the country is working out how best to make the best use of the available time and your resources and not to make any wasted trips which end up with little or nothing being done to move the project along.

Over the past six months there as been a lot of problems with Covid and friends passing during Covid pandemic, however, their deaths were not due to Covid, their death were not Covid related. However, this did however, put pay to some trips and trips that were planned had to be rearranged for other times.

So that was a spanner in the work while we sorted out the fallout from that situation. That aside the long term problem with my works van being off the road for such along time. Still not resolved at present, however, should be resolved shortly fingers crossed and toes as well.

So after almost 6 months without my works van and having to use my wife's MPV as a stand in works vehicle. There should be light at the end of the tunnel. Before you say it it is not a train coming towards me.

One thing to come out of all this negative situation is to make plans, plans. and yet more plans, However, never lose sight of the final goal to restore Chance back to her former glory and get her back on the water once more.

One major problem with all this situation is that you have understand you will have to make a lot of sacrifices along the way. However, realising that they will be worth it all in the end.

Although this past six months as seen a lot of dismantling of Chance to get to the inside of the hull and to some people this has been boring and uninteresting, it is all part of the restoration process the finding out how bot builders build Chance back in 1948 and how many of the methods of boat construction have not change over the time sine she was built.

So although my family and I have not been at Chance as much as we would have liked this past six months with the restriction on travelling and general movement are coming to an end it should be possible to make more plans to visit Chance and get the project underway in a more speedy way and spend more time at Chance to get her in a condition to move her in May back to Essex and near to my workshop and yard and then the major part of the project can get underway this year and into the next couple.

So although we have had a bad six months with many hurdles in the way we are as committed to the project as ever. We hope to make new friends and bring them along on the project to help us on getting Chance back to where she belongs.


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