It is now 6 months since I become the owner of Chance.

Over the past six months a lot has gone on with Chance. The first few trips to Woodplumpton were to make a start with clearing out the inside of the boat and taking stock of what we had on the boat and what is missing. 

It appears that along the way all the deck fittings have gone missing, which is a great inconvicetion as I will have to get the deck fittings remade using patterns from other James Silver boats that are still around. The other James Silver's that are close to where I live are close in size to my James Silver and so I will be able to get the parts remade easily. Harbour Marine Services has restored a number of James Silver's over the years and the owner now  owns Davey & Co so parts are not going to be a problem to source when the time comes to start doing that part of the restoration.

The part of the first six months as been the removal of the old furniture and other items in the inside of the boat so it is going to be easier to get to the planking and make repairs the planking and where necessary the frames and ribs. 

As with any work that has been done on the boat a photo portfolio as been made up of all the areas of the boat as a reference point when put back the boat as we move forward with the restoration over the next couple to three years as we put the boat back together again.

In the meantime, while I have not been able to get to Chance, I have been sorting out some of the parts that have been  brought back each time I have made it to Chance. So if I can not get to Chance for whatever reason work is getting on with other parts of the boat.

So the next time I get up to Chance it will be a matter of finishing off the dismantling of the interior and then make a start on the rebuilding of the hull. 


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