A New Year, a new start with some tools my family got me for Christmas

 Now the Christmas break is fading into the background, it is time to make a fresh start and get on with some of the jobs that were not able to be started or finished before the Christmas break.

My family got me a tool which I had wish I had many years ago. It was a mortise attachment for my pillar drill so that I could make mortise and tenon joint for doors and panelling which I have made in the past for boats I have worked on by hand. This new new tool will make the making of mortise and tenon joints a lot easier and make accurate and be able to make the same joint over and over again and make well fitting joints each time. 

So now I have this new tool, it is going to be time to experiment a few times to get the tool set up and then be able to make the joints fit well every time that way taking the guess work out of the situation. So speeding up the making of the joints and be able to remake the cupboard, under settee locker doors and the full height cabin doors which need renewing because of rot in areas of the doors. 

When I open up the boatyard again this coming week, one of the first jobs will be to clear an area of the workshop to do this mortise and tenon joinery work. If there is not enough space than I will have to build an extension to the workshop to house this joinery work space. either way there will be room made for this joinery work to be done over the coming months. 

So has I am not able to get to Chance until the towards end of January at the earliest. So in the meantime, it is going to be matter of sorting out the contents of the trailer and the van so they are ready for the next trip up to Chance to pick up the rest of the ballast and the engines and any of other bits which need to back back to the workshop. 

So for now it is time to get on with the bits I have back in the boatyard and get them sorted and put away until they are needed later on in the restoration.    


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