Now the chain locker bulkhead is removed, time to inspect the damage the rooten wood as done to the surrounding area
In the upper bow area it appears that it is only flaking paint and the condition of the hull is in reasonable and will just need to have the paint heat gunned off and be repainted once the air as got to the wood and given it a chance to dry out.
The rotten wood has been removed from the frames and it appears that the oak frames are just wet and they are not soft in any way so it is just a matter of letting the wood dry off naturally and when it is dry once more sealing the wood and repaint the whole area.
The same can not be said for the deck beam end which is rotten where the rotten bulkhead along with a leaking deck as caused the deck beam to go rotten. A job for when the deck gets removed and the ends of the beams can be exposed.
The lower part of the frames where the rotten chain locker bulkhead was nailed to the frames as appeared not to have affected the frames apart from making them damp, however the frames are in good order
The other rotten deck beam end caused by a leaking deck and lack of ventilation in the fore cabin
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