My Brother John's job for the day, removing all the bits of equipment fitted to the engine to stop them from coming out of the boat

When my brother John saw the engine, he said to me let me at it I am going to enjoy doing this.

The engines had moire filters than you could need, it had these twin filters on the forward engine bulkhead, two more  in front of each engine and and another on each engine. The fuel filters even had their own drip trays for any spills and the trays even have their own drain tap to remove any fuel out of the trays 

The gearbox end of the engines even have covers over the gearbox coupling to protect the coupling from anything falling down on them  

The original water locks in the exhaust system 

My Brother John hard at work in the engine bay removed parts off the port engine to get it ready tp be lifted out of the boat later in the week 



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