Back at Woodplumpton to get on with the removal of the engines from Chance

 At last I am back up at Woodplumpton to get on with working on Chance once more. Hopefully with help from my brother John, we hope to get the engines out of the boat and into the trailer to take them back to my yard in Essex. To at first see if there is any chance of getting them up and running again or if not disposing of them. either way they will be out of the boat and we will be able to remove the fuel and water tanks from the engine bay at the same time and expose the hull to make an inspection of the inside of the hull in this area of the boat. However, before this can be done the small task of getting the wheelhouse removed to gain access to the engines to remove them from the engine bay once all the engine controls and other connections are removed whichever way they come apart.

So tomorrow morning the fun starts with uncovering the wheelhouse roof and getting to grips with the plywood and T&G which make up the roof and removing the outer edges to expose the ends of the wheelhouse roof beams to see if they can be released and the roof removed in one piece. Updates tomorrow evening on how we got on with this task.


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