At last there could an end in sight for being able to go back to Chance once more.

 After what appears to be an age I hopefully from Wednesday this coming week I will have a van again although it is not mine it is still a Transit van, so I can get back on the road and get back to Woodplumpton and get on with finishing off the stripping out of the interior of Chance and get last of the furniture out of the main cabin and the aft heads and the wheelhouse roof off the cockpit and get ready to lift the engines out and remove the tanks for inspection and if possible be able to reuse the tanks if they are still in a condition to be used. If they are not then look about for replacement tanks for the boat. 

While I have not been able to get to Chance because of my recovery for a emergency operation which meant I had to not work for 6 weeks and that put a hold on doing any work of any kind for that period. So I have now started to strip down the cabin and locker doors and stripped the old varnish off the doors and started to sand down the doors back to their natural colour. It has been a very difficult job as the old varnish was hard to get off at first however, with a bit of elbow grease and a hot air gun and course sandpaper they are starting to look more like they did when Chance was first build. 

So I have not been able to do any major work on the boat itself, I have been busy with some of the smaller items which were already back at my boatyard. 

Other bits that I have back at the boatyard are some of the old original fittings such as her original Navigation lights that have still been on the boat after all these years. many of the door furniture are original as well. They appear to be still in god condition apart from needing re-chroming at sometime during the restoration when I have a large enough number to make it not a expensive job. 

As you can see their a few items that have survive the years, these will all have a fair amount of TLC and will be going back on the boat later on in the restoration. 



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