What a couple of days I have had crisscrossing the country from south to north and east to west

 What a day, today has been travelling across the country from one side to the other side. Starting on the east side of the country and driving over the Pennines to the west coast. 

Yesterday after a very tiring day driving up the country from my home in the south east of the country in North East Essex. Because of a car crash on the one of the major north to south roads in the country I was using to get to my brother's home and the fact the crash was between the  two slip roads  I could use to take a different route to my brother's home. That Life,  Having had a good nights rest I set off to Chance to get a few things sorted and clean up round the boat.  Namely cover up the cooker and the toilet which were  not covered up properly when I had to leave last time because of the problems with my Transit van. The clutch problem which was to be repair this last week. It was repaired but then failed after a short while and now back to renting a car to keep working.  However, that is a story for another day when I am not so stressed. 

I did get to Chance this morning to find her in good order with the covers I put over her still in place and doing their job of keeping the rain and weather off the deck and keeping the inside of the cabins dry. So that next time I am up working on Chance the weather will not be a problem that will stop me and my family working on her interior. 

I will be posting a few short videos of the boat in the coming days to highlight what as to be done over the next few weeks and months. The three main areas to finish off are the toilet room and the main cabin cupboards and settee areas to expose the hull in these areas and finally the engine room / compartment which has to have the engines and tankage removed and disposed of and in this area it is going to be completed re-designed to bring it is line with modern requirements. 

Lets hope I get my Transit van back on the road soon and I can get on with my work on Chance and make a living doing my day job as a boat builder, which helps fund these early stages of Chances' restoration .   


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