At the moment, the hardest job is to keep your mind on the task at hand.

 With all lay off's from doing work on the any project you do. It is keeping your mind on the bigger picture and not getting bogged down with jobs you have no control over. Jobs like stripping out the inside of the boat when you are at one end of the country and your project boat is at the other end and you have no way of getting to work on the boat because your own van or car is of the road in the local garage getting repairs done. 

Then people stockpiling fuel and creating a shortage when there is not one. Because they are short sighted. This on top of having emergency surgery. It is enough to get you to loose focus.  So, in order to keep some focus on the project I make lists and then more lists of jobs and then rewrite them until I get a list I am happy with and then plan the way forward. 

At the moment the biggest jobs on Chance are finishing off the last two areas apart from the engine room so that the hull is completely exposed and then tackle the engine room once the wheelhouse is removed. Over the few weeks I keep asking myself how would the builders have done this job. The only answer I keep coming up with is that the would remove part of the roof panels which are T&G along the edges of the wheelhouse roof to expose the ends of the roof beams and unscrewed the deck beams and the rest of the roof in one section and then lifted the engines out  through the top of the wheelhouse.

So when I am up at Chance next I will get my John to remove the plywood which is over the wheelhouse roof and see if he can remove the outer T&G from the wheelhouse roof and remove the fixings in the roof beams so that the roof can be removed and refitted after the engines are removed. That is plan "A" we will see if this works and keep you all posted as to which way it goes. 


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