Making a start on the cupboard, locker and cabin doors and then the drawers some of which some repairs doing to them

The stack of doors to work through, a lot of scraping and sanding until we get back to the original colour of the Mahogany and then a lot of varnishing This about half of the panels that are taken off the boat, the rest are still at the boat ready for collection next time I am up at the boat to bring back to the workshop The doors come in a lot of different shapes and sizes A couple of the drawers which are in need of a lot of TLC and in some cases rebuilding The main cabin door on the wheelhouse side which is breached, however after a few minutes of sanding with a bit course sandpaper and a bit of elbow grease as come up well. Now a lot more of this to come. A small start, however, it is a good start and you can see the difference straight away.