Hooray, getting my Transit Van back today

After also most two weeks without my trusty Transit van being off the road with clutch problems, I can return to working on Chance once more and get on with removing more of the inside wood work and loading up the trailer with the old diesel cooker, sea toilet and the large bag of scrap metal and died batteries. Clean up and service the diesel cooker and then put it up for sale the same with the vintage Baby Blake seas toilet which  people have said some vintage boat owners wish to put in their boats. 

  This time I will hope to continue with the main cabin dismantling and work out how to remove the wheelhouse roof to get the engine out of the boat and on to a trailer to transport them back to my workshop to get cleaned up and put up for sale to any one who wishes to restore the engines for their own project.  

I also have to work out how to get the fuel and water tanks out and get prices for replacing them as they have been in the boat since she was build and by now will be in a very poor condition. Having being able to see one of the tanks from the engineering room it can be seen that there is a fair amount of rust on the tanks. Although they are not leaking at the moment it would not take a lot to see that they may soon do so in the near future. So while the engines are out it is as gooder time as any to  replace the metal tankage. Also to work out the pipe runs for the water system  and also the wiring runs through the boat. 


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