A fruitful week on Chance getting to grips with some of the not so pleasant jobs which have to be done during a boat restoration
At the moment I am having to use my old small generator as the only form of electric power to power my electric tools and give me lighting in the boat. We I can get some funds available I hope to get a larger generator to give me more power to run more tools and lighting.
Cutting the first of many temporary floorboards for the inside, while I get the old floorboards out and cleaned and dried out and repainted.
The first two temporary floorboards down in position, it is a start just quiet a few more to make before I am finished
Three quarters of the interior ballast removed from the bilges. This was placed from the front end of the main cabin and through the boat to as far back as the forward bulkhead of the aft cabin bulkhead. We worked it out as amounting to about 1 ton of pig iron that was laid in the bilge.
Exposing the hull side in the main cabin exposed a patch of rotten wood in the stringer, thankfully it is localised and the ribs and frames appear to be in good condition. Now the hull planking as a can to dry out now that a cover is over the deck and the air can now circulate around the inside which as not been exposed since 1948.
The old diesel cooker is now removed to be serviced and sold on as it will not needed after the restoration in completed
First of many bins coming out of the boat as more and more of the old furniture and rotten wood comes out of the inside to help expose the hull planking to access the hull planking fixings to ensure the planks are re-fixed the original way., i.e. copper nails and roves and not like some of the past repairs just screwed in position.

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