The inspection and start to clear up the rubbish from the inside the cabins

 This photo is of the engineering space aboard Chance full of old out of date equipment and wiring which is all going to be removed and new up to date electrical wiring and equipment will be fitted to bring up to date and safe. 

Just a sea of old old out of date equipment and wiring and bilge pump

Much of this equipment as not been updated in decades if in some case never

The original heads in the aft cabin with its sink and original toilet 

Having taken off the ensign and flag box off the main bulkhead we can see the colour of the original wood finish.

Simple and down to earth engine controls, I will looking to find if the instruments can restored or new original looking gauges can be found 

The ships wheel is from the period of her launch and cam from Simpson & Lawrence of Glasgow 

A view out of the wheelhouse from the steering position along the long foredeck which at the moment does not have its main mast or guardrails fitted which will be restored and hen refitted at a later stage of the restoration

The view forward from the starboard side showing off the butterfly skylights and forecabin hatch which in time will be removed and restored and re-varnished to look like they were when she was originally launched in 1948

The original compass which is going to go to be restored by a compass restorer 

The masts for the boat which apart from a bit of age damage are in reasonable  condition which with a good sanding and lot of varnish will look good once more and will be able bed on new sails and be able set sail on the high seas again  

A couple of family members heling get the restoration project underway and I am sure there are going to be friends to help along the way 

The original heads in the aft cabin with its sink and original toilet 

Having taken off the ensign and flag box off the main bulkhead we can see the colour of the original wood finish.

Simple and down to earth engine controls, I will looking to find if the instruments can restored or new original looking gauges can be found 

The ships wheel is from the period of her launch and cam from Simpson & Lawrence of Glasgow 

The forward bilge area which is full oily water and dirt of other types which will be the first area to be cleared out so that bilges can be cleaned and repainted

The main saloon/ cabin starboard side an area which will need restoring back to it former glory and condition 

Some old speed and depth equipment 

one of the boats former owners long since flown the nest

The galley area port side with an area for a gimballed cooker  

another view of the forward bilge with a pond pump laying in the bilge which was got to work and was able to remove much of the water

The forecabin which not original and there should be to bunk and a toilet in this area

There is a spilt plank below the rubbing strake between two butt joints which will need to be investigated as a matter of priority



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